• headergrafik
    acts according to its
    Code of Conduct
    General principles for our actions

Compliance represents an essential element of successful management and customer orientation for LEONHARD WEISS

Human rights

The respect of human rights represents the basis of social responsibility for LEONHARD WEISS. LEONHARD WEISS commits to the adherence to human rights also along the supply chain. We have laid down our commitment in this aspect in our policy statement.


Since 2021 we commit to the Corporate-Responsibility-Initiative of the UN Global Compact and their principles in the areas human rights, working standards, environment, and fight against corruption.

Code of Conduct / policy statement

Code of Conduct of the LEONHARD WEISS-Group

Bild Compliance

The LEONHARD WEISS Code of Conduct has been in effect throughout the company since 1 March 2015. It sets out the general principles of our actions with each other, with suppliers and subcontractors, and with contractors and other third parties.

The obligations of this Code of Conduct are binding for all LEONHARD WEISS Group employees, including all affiliated companies in Germany and abroad. Suppliers, service providers and subcontractors who work for us are bound by contractual agreements to respect our principles.


Code of conduct – Requirements for subcontractors, suppliers and other business partners

Bild Compliance

LEONHARD WEISS pays attention to law-abiding behaviour, as well as to the adherence to social and ethical minimum standards. the “code of conduct for subcontractors, suppliers and other business partners“ and the “policy statement“ it includes define the principles which are the essential basis of any kind of cooperation according to the opinion of LEONHARD WEISS. With the contractual agreement our subcontractors, suppliers and other business partners commit to adhering to these principles. Download

The following areas are of particular importance for us

Occupational health and safety
Preventing corruption
Gifts and contributions
Donations and sponsorships
Avoiding conflicts of interest
Environmental protection and sustainability
Rejection of illegal employment relationships
Compliance with the rules for the protection of free competition
Export and import
Combating money laundering
Documentation of operational procedures
Handling company property
No discrimination
Data protection



Do you have concrete evidence of compliance violations pertaining to
LEONHARD WEISS and want to report it? Please do not hesitate to contact us.

Human rights / Environment

Have you become aware of a human rights threat or violation or an environmental rights threat or violation at a LEONHARD WEISS supplier?
Then you can report it anonymously here using the LEONHARD WEISS reporting tool.

LEONHARD WEISS reporting tool

FAQ (Code of procedure)